
5 Sep

Hi to you all, I have had a lot of issues getting into my blog due to changes within the system. Firstly it’s been 5 and a half years since I started this journey and still have no pain. I found that my cancer went away when I tried the metforman which I got up to 2000mg per day but couldn’t get my blood sugar levels down to 3 for it to work.  I took bitter apricot kernals for a week while on the high metforman levels, my clotting feeling in my feet went away and the hormon injection was due to be replaced on the 15th January this year but I haven’t had another one put in with no effects like I had, so now the only thing I am taking is 1000mg of metforman per day and every four weeks i have a coarse of 5 Ivermectin tablets which according to research kills cancer and flues like covid 19

I hope now to keep things up to date with new research

4 Replies to “update

    • Hi sorry it’s been a long time I have lived with cancer for the last 6 years and now working on killing it. I am working in a logging company still have no pain reasonably fit. I am still doing low carb and regular fasts. The only thing I am taking at the moment is turkytail mushroom powder and sushi mushrooms. Also looking at healing vibration sound waves eg 114 hertz and others.

  1. ah i see, i hope you find your success in eliminating it for good. Have you looked at combining artimisinin/vitamin C IV and fenben with it? + Keto

    This is what I\’m trying, hopefully this helps you if you haven\’t tried already.

    Wishing you good luck!

  2. Hi Stewman, thankyou for your blog. I acutally found through research. Im pleased your still going. I just wanted to let you know my Dad has Stage 4 cancer is 79. He was diagnosed last year. What can I do to help him. Im trying to find an alternative to Coopers Panacur 100 for his Prostate cancer. Do you have any advice on what I can do to help my Dad please. tiz.

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