When you think you have not much time left you try to find the things you think might work for you straight away, the only problem is you need time to see if things work. My hope is to let you know what i have tried and what worked or may have. Remenber this is what i have done and some people think I was mad and could have killed myself.
I was given a link to a website that had 9 ways to cure cancer and i have tried some.
1, Tumeric.
Tumeric contains Cucumin which is what I still take today due to the fact I have clotting issues (is good blood thinner). India has the highest tumeric consumption in the world and the lowest cancer rate so that tells you something.
2, Hemp seed oil.
I take hemp seed oil now with my current plan, very high in omega 3, 6 and 9.
3, Reishi Mushrooms.
read up on it sounds ok but haven’t tried them myself.
4, Melatonin.
Reduces oxidative damage and fights free radical related diseases like cardiovascular disease and cancer. Never tried it.
5, Distilled water.
Good for everything been doing it for years.
6, Baking soda.
Cancer can only suvive in an acidic environment so a teaspoon a day in a glass of distilled water turns your body slightly caustic which one prevents cancer moving to other places in the blood stream and inhibits it’s growth. I have been taking baking soda for some time now.
7, Organic garlic cloves.
the garlic blocks the cancers ability to multiply. I have used garlic off and on, but depending what i am taking you can only eat so much.
8, Apricot Kernels,
The bitter seeds contains 2 molecules of glucose and a molecule of cyanyde. Before you jump up and down at this thought the cyanide is not the same that kills possoms variety. The cyanide molecule can only be unlocked by the cancer cell it’s self, if you don’t have cancer the cyanide passes to the liver and passed out. The glucose which is what cancer mainly lives on is sucked into the cancer cell with the cyanide, which kills the cancer cell. Any surplus cyanide goes to the liver and turns the molecule into another which helps lower blood pressure.
They say 40 kernels a day is the limit but I have been on 120 a day with no effect and I still take them now (20 a day). You can get bitter and sweet kernels but only the bitter ones contain the cyanide. The pharmaceuticals have convinced western governments to ban the importation, sale and tranport of bitter apricot kernels (i wonder why?) so they are a bit harder to obtain.
9, Cannabis sativa.
Not the smoking type but the oil. I have tried it, but found my PSA levels still kept going up to 144 so went back on blood thinners until the PSA dropped back down. I think the oil would be great if you had serious pain.