I was watching the english program “trust me I’m a doctor. They were looking at the brain and how it shrinks as you age. They say when you get into your 80s your brain will be up to 20 percent smaller than when you were in your 20s.
What causes this change is your blood vessels shrink as you age and they found brain cells die off because there is not enough blood flow to keep those cells alive.
One of the many issues that this lower blood flow causes is failing eye sight, dimensia and parkinsons disease when the motor controlling part of your brain shrinks.
After watching that program I watched a program which studied why there was so many 100 year olds living on an island off the coast of japan.
Most were still working and driving. They looked at the diet (as i have said in the past diet is everything) and all of them ate about half a kilo of sweet potato and they tested to see what was in the potato’s. Not like our Kumera their’s was white skinned and a purple colour in the middle.
The purple colour is ‘anthocyanins’ which has been used and provin to boost stamina used by most top athletes around the world. I found out that the fruit or veg with the highest amount of anthocyanins is BLACK CURRANTS with the new zealand grown variety having the highest in the world.
I researched black currants and found out they open up your blood vessels which allows your brain cells to increase and improves eye sight. So if your brain cells increase then that should stop dieases like parkinsons. Also improving your lung capacity for the same reasons mentioned above. They say you must take at least 600mg of black currants every day and signs of improvement will start to show after 7 days. If you forget it will take longer to see results. My mate here is in his 70’s and he has started taking the berries. He is having problems remembering to take them every day so i keep reminding him.
I have been taking them for 3 days and have noticed that my eye sight has changed. I used to get flickers in my sight when concentrating, like counting small things now my eye’s don’t do that anymore. Also I am sweating a lot more when working hard in the hot sun, this i think means my blood flow to the surface of my skin has increased so more sweating for cooling of the body.
You can buy nz black currants from health shops and countdown super markets. I found ‘VIBERI’ can be purchased as powder, Dried or frozen. We make jam out of frozen berries using the same recipe on the front page.
Very high in vitamin c
Very high in potasium