It is with great sadness one of my good friends passed away from his cancer. He was making great progress with his postate cancer when his health dropped fast. On getting tests he was found to have cancer all through his body unfortunatly it was too severe to recover from. RIP Henry.
As far as my journey goes i have still been taking my regular treatments. During the last winter I didn’t get out much with me putting on weight and eating a lot more carbs than I should have.
I started getting constant migrains and flashes of light when closing my eyelids hard and my PSA climbed from 15 to over 23.
My feet were puffed up all the time and on blood thinners which ment I was back into clotting.
I read a 200 page book to do with getting rid of cancer in 30 days. They said to go onto a diabetes medication called Glucovance increasing the dosage until you get your blood glucose down to 3mmol/L. The normal glucose level is around 6mml/L.
Then take 2D-Oxy glucose for five days which kills the cancer.
Now some important things you need to know before looking at this way of doing things is:
1, you must go into ketosis which is around 15 carbs per day for the total time.
(I found out that no treatment will work if your carb levels are above ketosis as the cancer will only eat the carbs in your body. When cancer is starved it produces lactic acid which your liver turns back into carbs so the cancer is self funding) The Metformin stops your liver producing glucose.
2, go into ketosis slowly as your body has to switch from using carbs to using fat to live on. If you drop your carbs too fast you will have no energy and feel faint. I am used to going into ketosis as my carb levels were low anyway. You can buy Ketosis stiks from most chemists to check you stay in Ketosis.
3, See your doctor first as you will need to get a blood test to make sure your liver is ok. You can’t get glucovance here in nz but you can get Metformin which is in glucovance.
4, It is a must you get a glucose meter to constantly check your blood sugar levels. You will die if your blood sugars get below 2.
This is what i did:
First phase
Start keto diet Take 1 teaspoon of baking soda 2 times a day in water
second phase
Continue Keto diet and continue baking soda.
Start taking Metforman at 250mg with food for breakfast on day 1
day 2 take 500mg with breakfast
Day 3 take 500mg with breakfast then 250mg with lunch
day 4 take 500mg with breakfast then 500mg with lunch
increase the dosage by 250mg at a time while checking your glucose blood levels. If at anytime you get to 3 mml/l stop increasing the Metformin and stay at that dosage.
third phase I started taking bitter apricot kernals starting at 5 per day then increase by 5 until you get to 20. Then stay at 20 per day for five days.
If you have red my previous posts on you will know what is in the kernals that kills cancer.
Do not not go over 2000mg of Metformin per day as it can kill you. Google cancer using Metforin and you will see there is a lot of treating cancer using Metformin in other countries.
My results are as soon as i got above 500mg of Metformin my migrains stopped, the flashes in my eyes stopped, my feet swelling went away and the hormone implant expired a month ago with no clotting.
I got to 2000mg of Metformin but my glucose levels only got down to 5.4 mmol/L so I started taking the apricot kernals for five days
I started to get puffy feet a week later so I am taking 500mg of Metformin per day and now all clear.
My doctor was horified when I ased for metformin as she said my liver was doing what it should. Make sure you print off any information about cancer treatment using Metfornin as this type of treatment is not done here in nz.