Hi to you all, sorry it’s been ages since my last post. My health at this stage is my PSA is still low and i’m feeling great. I have been working with a few people to help with their journey. I always keep an eye out for anything or new research on cancer.
I was sent a clip from a university in the states (which i’ll put a link below) which is about the benfits of using vitamin D3. I thought I was getting heaps as I am always out in the sun and brown as. As shown on the clip new Zealand is in a part of the world that does not get enough vitamin D3 no matter how long you stay in the sun.
We need at least 4000 IU per day and found up to 10,000 IU was ok with no side effects, to have an affect on cancer in the body, if you miss a day then the chances of defeating cancer drops off. The body only keeps vitamin D3 for no longer than a day, so you need to take it every day for ever.
I hope this helps you all.
Sorry about the long winded address but this blogg would not allow me to paste it here.