10 Apr

I got an email from an organisation in Australia telling me about the benefits of taking “Baking Soda” and “Magnesium”.
Got to (I have a tsp of baking soda in a glass of water everyday)

On the magnesium issue, they tell us we all don’t get enough in our diets which leads to lower imune protection, poor heart health, cramps and other issues.

I have had a lot of issues with cramp at night in my legs, I normally have cramp stop pump beside me and end up pumping under the tounge 2 or 3 times a night. Sometimes the cramp was so severe i had to get out of bed and walk around before it eased then would have sore muscles all day. Since I have been taking the CACAO powder (very high in magnesium) in my food everyday I haven’t had cramp at night and don’t use the cramp stop at all now,

As with the Black currants mentioned in a previous post I found another superfood which probably has more health benefits than the berries.

This super food is RAW CACAO POWDER, the benifits are:

1, 40x the level of antioxidents than blue berries.

2, Highest plant based source of iron.

3, Highest plant based source of Magnesium.

4, More calcium than cows milk. (160mg/100g in Cacao powder comared to 125mg/100g in milk)

5, Natural mood elevator and anti depressant.

6, Scientificly proven BLISS chemicals. (Seratonin, Tryptophan, Tyrrosine, and Phyenylethylamine)

One of the only legal ways to feel great. (

The chocolates containing Cacao powder are in the recipe section of this blog.

Remember the Cacao powder must be RAW as processing greatly reduces the mineral contents.

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