After the passing of my dad my eldest brother came to stay with us for a week until his flight back to auzzyland. As we only shop once a fortnight he had to eat what we did. He suffers from diabetes and is on medication for it. After a week I took him to the airport for his flight, when he got home he had an appointment for blood tests as he had part of his lung removed for cancer. He did smoke for years but has given up now, he met with his doctor to go over his blood tests. His doc took one look at the results and said to him “you don’t have diabetes anymore”.
This goes to show that a change of diet can aleviate medical issues. We seen a film from england had 30 people with varying stages of diabetes and after being on low carb for 3 weeks all of them went off all medication even one guy who had it for thirty odd years on heaps of drugs.
We all have a choice as to what we shove into our mouths. A lot of people we meet on the road find it too hard to do the low carb thing as you can’t buy ready made low carb stuff, but what would you rather have food that is slowly killing you or low carb to have a drug free life.
Sorry to those expecting more recipies and info as we are travelling around the country and sometimes have no data for a while.
Hi thank you for your question. When i say it’s the foods we eat that gives us diseases you only have to look at all the processed foods which contains chemicals and toxins which lower the imune system allowing diseases like diabetes and cancers etc to take over. generally it’s the extra sugars put in our foods that lower our imune systems. As i stated my brother did low carb for a week and got rid of his type 2 diabetes. Hope this clarifies things for you.