Hi to you all, Going by the number of visitors to my blogg there is a lot of you out there looking for information on you or someone close to you with health problems. Don’t be scared to leave a comment or ask for clarification on anything you read in my blogg. Please remember that the things I am doing is because of the research I have done. A lot of the things I found work is based on the fact that “tried and tested by me”.
Some good news for me is since I have been using BLACK CURRANTS (super food) my eye sight has improved to where I rarely use my glasses any more when reading and I got whacked on the back of my hand today when cutting wire and opened the skin and bled, the good thing with that is no bruising. Two months ago I would bruise bad when I would just scrape my hand on timber, my hand would go black.
Just goes to show there are natural things out there for healing most of humanities illnesses.
I haven’t had another PSA test due to lock down but I still feel great, no pain and as fit as I was 20 years ago.