20 years ago I was interested in what Paul C Bragg had to say about our drinking water.
My Story with water:
I worked for a large pulp and paper company at Kinleith on the large steam boilers. Water going into the boilers gets turned into steam for use in the mill to make paper and generate power. This steam leaves the boilers at 400 degrees C. Water going into the boiler tubes must be of the highest purity as minerals left in the tubes will stick to the wall and create an insulating layer which will make the tubes buckle or burst which would be disasterous. Part of my job was to test the water every shift for dissolved solids
If you disolve a teaspoon of sugar in a glass of water you can’t see it anymore but it’s still in there. So like our bodies we need pure water to prevent build ups blocking our arteries. Most of our drinking water in New Zealand it termed to be hard, which means soap won’t lather when you wash so councils put tons of lime into our water to soften it.
Now there are 2 types of minerals, organic minerals and inorganic minerals. Our bodies can only use organic minerals, the inorganic minerals your liver has to remove, if your liver can’t get rid of the lime it will store it in 2 places, your joints (arthritis) and in your arteries (hardening of the arteries).
Lime or calcium carbonate is what concrete is made of and will make your arteries like concrete pipes and will eventualy rupture with things like high blood pressure. Ever heard of a fit athletic sportsman having a heart attack while playing golf or squash, more than likely blocked arteries.
Like the boiler keep your pipes clean.
Have you seen the white ring around your hot tap or jug, that is lime thats in the water.
Now they also put other things like fluoride into your water to kill bugs and it will as it is a rat poison, Bragg researched 3 groups of kids and found the group who had fluoride all the time had more mottled coloured teeth than those without, he found no difference in tooth decay.
Did you also know that fluoride is a by product of the aluminium smeltering process. In the USA they had mountains of the stuff, the environmentalists forced the companies to get rid of these toxic dumps so they employed scientists to find a way to get rid of it. They came back and found it was a good rat poison. They still couldn’t get rid of enough so the scientists went back to work, came back and said that small amounts in toothpaste and drinking water all over the world would fix the problem. The toxin did it’s work by killing bugs in your water but any toxin in your body stays there and builds up to a level that will affect your health (normally 45 to 60 years of age). The world health organisation say the amounts in your water are safe but don’t take into account long term effects. As we are all different toxins will affect you in different ways and at different ages in our life span. Distilling water gets rid of toxins as they can’t travel in the steam, thats why filters don’t work.
My 20 years on water.
I have only been drinking distilled water for the last 20 years, you can buy distillers online or “pureDew” water containers sold in supermarkets.
The first thing I noticed drinking distilled water my skin went smooth and soft.
Some say you will die if you don’t get minerals from water but the truth is there is more harmfull minerals than good ones, an apple will more than make up what you lose in the water.
Water filters take very little out of water, I can prove this, when i was at kinleith we had high end water filters in our smoko rooms, when the guy came to change the filter I asked him how much dissolved solids they take out and he said 99 percent.
Note: Distilled water is ph nuetral or 7 on the ph scale ( below 7 is acid, above 7 is caustic). pure water has 2 molecules of hydrogen and 1 molecule of oxygen nothing else, so if the ph is not seven then something else is in your water. If you leave distilled water in an open container it will obsorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere then your water will be slightly acidic.
I tested the tap water for dissolved solids and came back at 130 ppm, the filter water came back at 127 ppm and i tested my distilled water it came back at 3 ppm. ppm is parts per million.
Now you might say your on bore water, spring water or rain water.
Let me tell you water from the sky contains chemicals and contaminants, the only pure rain water on this planet is in Alaska and the poles (scientists have now discovered minute bits of plastic in the snow at the poles) everywhere else has industrial pollutants.
Spring and bore water contain inorganic minerals as the water travels over rocks, water is one of the most corrosive natural things on earth. Look at what water can do, over years have carved deep gorges.