understanding carbs

31 Jul

This is a massive topic which is sometimes hard to get your head around.

TOTAL carbs compared to NET carbs

For a start there is total carbs and net carbs, most nutritional information on the back of food packets have total carbs which is carbs and fibre added together, some have net carbs which is the total carbs minus fibre.  Some producers have net carbs on their packets but not many.


So you don’t count fibre as it dosen’t get converted to glucose in your body. If a packet says carbs are 10 grams, fibre is 3 grams then the net carbs you turn into glucose is 7 grams.


the sugar content is part of the total carbs so don’t add it on.


Most fruit and vege’s have carbs which are natural sugars and fibre, generally vege’s growing below the ground have higher carbs such as carrots ( serving size medium) have 6 grams of carbs per 100grams of carrot and lettuce which has 3 grams of carbs per 100g  of lettuce.

They say 250 to 350 grams of carbs per day is good for you but if you want to lose weight then 90 to 150 is ok.

Like me I wanted to go into ketosis which is your body burning fat only then you need to be below 10 grams of carbs per day. It’s better to slowly drop your carbs over a period of time as your body needs to adjust.


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